He Restores My Soul

The Bridge #40

Hey SCC Family !

Welcome to The Bridge Weekly #40—we’ve hit the big 4-0! That's 40 weeks of connecting, sharing, and growing together this year. Who’s counting down to 52?

In last Sunday’s message, Dr. Mike Hutchings took us on a deep dive into Psalm 23, focusing on how God restores our souls. Using David’s life as an example, he talked about how trauma impacts our identity and relationships. But through Jesus, who fully understands suffering, we can experience true healing. Psalm 23:3 reminds us that God’s restoration is more than refreshment; it’s about healing our deepest wounds and restoring us to wholeness. Dr. Hutchings emphasized that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted and release us from the weight of trauma, guiding us through valleys and into a life of freedom. The healing we receive equips us to help others experience restoration, too.

If you missed it, catch the full message here: He Restores My Soul

We’re taking a break from Tracy’s Listening & Responding series this week, but we’ll be back next week!

Tracy will be starting a new 7-week series on the Lord’s Prayer. Together, we’ll explore its significance and how it shapes our relationship with God and others. After the service, stick around at Connect Café! It’s a great chance to grab a coffee and catch up with someone you haven’t met yet.

On Thanksgiving Sunday, October 13th, we will be taking up a special offering for Celebrate Recovery, alongside our regular Sunday offering. This annual CR Thanksgiving Offering supports the incredible work of CR groups across Canada. The goal is to raise $20,000 to help establish new groups in Saskatchewan, Quebec, and the Territories, to grow more leaders, and to equip volunteer leaders with resources to reach more people for Jesus. You can bring extra cash or use SCC eTransfer (note ‘CR’). Let’s sow a seed into this vital ministry and help others find healing from their hurts, hang-ups, and habits!

The Salvation Army Food Bank plays a vital role in supporting those in need in our community. This October, we have set a goal to collect 200 food items to help families facing difficult times. You can drop off non-perishable food donations at the table in our lobby. Whether you give food or financial contributions, your generosity ensures that no one goes without a meal. Let’s continue to show love and care by supporting this important cause and reaching our goal together!

It’s almost that time of year again! As we prepare for our Operation Christmas Child campaign starting in October, take a moment to think about what you’d like to include in your shoeboxes. Whether it’s school supplies, toys, or hygiene items, each gift shares Jesus’ love and brings hope to children in need around the world. Let’s come together and make a meaningful impact as we reflect His love through these gifts. The final drop-off date will be November 21-23.

Connect Groups are kicking off! As you settle into your fall routine, consider how your daily habits are shaping your spiritual journey. Whether you’re looking to join or lead, Connect Groups offer a great opportunity to strengthen your faith this season. These gatherings provide a warm space to build new relationships, grow together, and uplift each other in prayer. Most groups have already started or are starting this week, so it’s a perfect time to get involved! For more details or to find the right group for you, CLICK HERE.

In the Bible Recap this week, we started the New Testament, reading from Luke, John, Matthew, and Mark. How do the beginnings of Jesus’ ministry inspire your spiritual journey? What do these scriptures reveal about His call to follow Him? How do these passages challenge your understanding of faith and discipleship?

Click on the group names for more details.




  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration





We’re gearing up for our fall clean-up on October 19. We really need your help to make this a success! This is our shared space, and working together makes a real difference. We’ve set up two time-slots, 10-1 and 1-4, so you can choose the one that works best for your schedule. Your contribution matters whether you can give a few hours or the whole day. Look for the signup sheet on the hub!

Join us on Sunday, October 20th, for our October ‘Fest’ Gulu Mission Fundraiser! We’ll serve sausages and baked potatoes, with all proceeds going toward our outreach efforts in Gulu. Our team has plans to serve in the Women’s and Children’s Prison, the local hospital, with university students, and more. Your support helps make these ministry opportunities possible, and we’re so grateful for your love and generosity!

Have you ever felt worn down by life, like your soul needs a break? We all have those moments when the weight of everything becomes too much, and we long for true rest. Psalm 23:3 reminds us that God "restores my soul." It’s not just about a quick recharge; it’s a deep restoration, bringing us back to who we were meant to be. God is the Shepherd of our souls, guiding us through life’s hardest moments and offering peace and healing in the places where we feel most broken. What would it look like to let Him restore your soul today?

For more, check out our blog post HERE.

This week’s Bridge Builder Feature takes you behind the scenes with a fun twist! We strapped a camera on Aaron Upshall, our AV producer for the week, to give you a first-hand look at what it takes to run a smooth service. From sound checks to slides and everything in between, Aaron and the AV team work hard to create a seamless experience. If you see them running around on a Sunday morning, take some time to thank them for their hard work. Check out the video and see what goes on behind the scenes to bring our Sunday service to life!

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

As we close out this week, let’s take a moment to reflect on the deep truth found in Psalm 34:18, that God is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Trauma isn’t just something that happens to our minds, but is a wounding of our souls—our emotions, our identity, and how we make choices. David, who knew trauma well, spoke of this soul shattering. Yet, God promises to draw near, to heal, and to restore. This weekend, let’s open our hearts to His healing presence, trusting Him to mend the shattered places in our lives.

Thanks for checking out this week’s edition of The Bridge Weekly. It’s always great to share this time with you, and we’re excited to catch up again next week. Until then, take care!

P.S. As Tracy takes us through the Lord’s Prayer series in Matthew 6:9-13, why not spend some time reflecting on how prayer shapes your relationship with God? It’s a great opportunity to prepare your heart for what’s ahead and engage more deeply in this journey together.

Liking what you see in The Bridge Weekly? Spread the joy by sharing it with a friend! We put a lot of care into each issue, and by sharing, you help us reach and uplift even more people. Let’s keep our community growing together!