Holy is His Name

The Bridge #42

Hey SCC Family !

Welcome to The Bridge Weekly #42! We're getting close to the finish line for 2024—just 10 more Thursdays left! Are you as shocked as I am? Time flies, but we’re still here connecting and growing together each week.

In Sunday’s message, Josh took us deeper into the Lord’s Prayer, focusing on the words “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be your name.” He beautifully illustrated how this phrase invites us to experience God as a loving Father, and he used the analogy of ecosystem restoration to show how recognizing God’s presence can bring balance and health to our spiritual lives. Josh reminded us that prayer is not just an act of speaking; it’s a personal encounter with God, who is already present, nurturing us like a gardener tending plants.

If you missed it, catch the full message here: Our Father | Holy is Your Name

And just a heads-up—Tracy is on vacation, so there was no Listening & Responding this week. But don't worry, she’ll be back with a new episode on Monday

This Sunday, Tracy will continue our series on the Lord’s Prayer, diving into Matthew 6:10: “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” She’ll explore how this prayer invites us to align our lives with God’s will, bringing His kingdom to every part of our world. It’s an opportunity to reflect on how we can be part of God’s work right here and now.

We also have a photo booth set up for you to capture some fun moments with your own phones after the service!

And don’t forget—the October ‘Fest’ Gulu Mission Fundraiser will follow! Enjoy sausages and baked potatoes, with all proceeds supporting our outreach efforts in Uganda. Your contributions will help our team as they serve in the Women’s and Children’s Prison, local hospitals, and more. Thank you for being part of this mission!

The Gulu Mission Team will be in Uganda from Nov 5-18, focusing on community outreach and serving in various areas, including the Women’s & Children’s Prison, the hospital, and local university students. One of the primary needs is for four old PCs to help with curriculum development, as progress has been slow due to a lack of computers. Additionally, items such as musical instruments (acoustic or electric guitars), headlamps, pop-up lanterns, garden lights, and fabric for tablecloths (dark colours preferred) would be a great help. Your contributions can support the team as they share the love of Jesus and serve the community.

Thank you so much for your generosity this past Thanksgiving Sunday! Together, we raised $791.00 for Celebrate Recovery. Your contributions will help support CR groups across Canada, establish new ones in Saskatchewan, Quebec, and the Territories, and equip leaders to continue bringing the hope of Jesus to more people in need of healing. We’re grateful for your partnership in this vital ministry. Every bit makes a difference!

The Salvation Army Food Bank plays a vital role in supporting those in need in our community. This October, we have set a goal to collect 200 food items to help families facing difficult times. You can drop off non-perishable food donations at the table in our lobby. Whether you give food or financial contributions, your generosity ensures that no one goes without a meal. Let’s continue to show love and care by supporting this important cause and reaching our goal together!

Did you notice the Christmas tree in the great room last Sunday? That’s a sure sign that our Operation Christmas Child campaign is here! Feel free to grab a shoebox from under the tree and start thinking about what to include—whether it’s school supplies, toys, or hygiene items. Each gift shares Jesus’ love and brings hope to children in need around the world. Let’s come together and make a meaningful impact as we reflect His love. The final drop-off date is November 21-23.

Connect Groups are kicking off! As you settle into your fall routine, consider how your daily habits are shaping your spiritual journey. Whether you’re looking to join or lead, Connect Groups offer a great opportunity to strengthen your faith this season. These gatherings provide a warm space to build new relationships, grow together, and uplift each other in prayer. Most groups have already started or are starting this week, so it’s a perfect time to get involved! For more details or to find the right group for you, CLICK HERE.

In the Bible Recap this week, we are still reading through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In John, we see Jesus feed 5,000 with just a few loaves and fish. How does this story challenge your view of God’s provision? Where can you trust Him more with what little you have? For more information on the Bible Recap click the button below!

Click on the group names for more details.




  • 8:00 AM: SCC Men’s Breakfast meets in the cafe

  • 10:00 AM: First Fall Clean-up Shift

  • 1:00 PM: Second Fall Clean-up Shift


  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration

  • 12:30 PM: Gulu Mission October ‘Fest’ Fundraiser





We’re gearing up for our fall clean-up this Saturday, October 19, and we really can’t do it without you! We need all hands on deck to help make this a success. This is our shared space; your help will make a big difference. We’ve got two time slots, 10-1 and 1-4, so you can choose what works best. Your contribution is essential whether you can give a few hours or the whole day. Please sign up at the hub and be part of this important effort!

Join us this Sunday, October 20th, for our October ‘Fest’ Gulu Mission Fundraiser! We’ll serve sausages and baked potatoes, with all proceeds going toward our outreach efforts in Gulu. Our team has plans to serve in the Women’s and Children’s Prison, the local hospital, with university students, and more. Your support helps make these ministry opportunities possible, and we’re so grateful for your love and generosity!

There’s something deeply personal and powerful about the way Jesus invites us to approach God as “Our Father.” It’s a reminder that prayer isn’t just a ritual—it’s a relationship. When we say, “Holy is Your name,” we acknowledge the closeness of God as our loving Father, while also standing in awe of His holiness. It’s this beautiful tension between intimacy and reverence. What does it mean for you to approach God this way, knowing He’s both near and holy? Take time this week to reflect on how this shapes your relationship with Him.

For more on this, you can read the full blog post here.

Ever wonder how the magic happens on a Sunday morning? Spoiler alert: it’s not elves sneaking in at night (though that would be cool!). It’s people just like you—volunteers—who make everything run like clockwork. Whether it’s greeting, preparing coffee, helping in kids ministry, or managing tech, it all matters! Every role is a piece of the puzzle, and together, we’re building something meaningful.

We couldn’t do it without you, so if you’ve ever thought about jumping in, now’s the time! Whether it’s a little time or a lot, your role helps build the bridge that connects our community. Ready to lend a hand? Fill out the form below!

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

As this week comes to a close, I encourage you to find a few moments to sit with Our Father. Whether it’s during a quiet morning or a peaceful walk, take time to pause and reflect on His presence with you. He’s not far off—He’s in your heart, inviting you into a relationship where you can continue to grow and thrive.

Thanks for hanging out with us in this week’s edition of The Bridge Weekly! It’s always a joy to stay connected, and we can’t wait to catch up with you again next week. Until then, take care and have a great weekend!

P.S. As we dive deeper into the Lord’s Prayer over the coming weeks, remember that God is always near—guiding, loving, and drawing us closer to Him. Take some time to reflect on Matthew 6:10 this week, "Your kingdom come, Your will be done," and let it shape your prayers and heart.

Liking what you see in The Bridge Weekly? Spread the joy by sharing it with a friend! We put a lot of care into each issue, and by sharing, you help us reach and uplift even more people. Let’s keep our community growing together!