We are Hope Dealers

The Bridge #36

Hey SCC Family !

Welcome to the 36th edition of The Bridge Weekly, where we continue to deal in hope, enriching every Thursday with new insights! This week, we’re thrilled to share a powerful recap from our New York City mission team. They’ve returned with inspiring stories of servanthood and humility, truly embodying the teachings of Jesus. From washing disciples’ feet to the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, their experiences remind us of the profound ways we can serve and lead in love. Discover more about their journey and how to live out Christ’s example in your community. Don’t miss out on their heartfelt reflections: watch here.

In the latest episode of Listening and Responding, we continued our exploration of following Jesus—not the culture’s cues but His path that brings life and wholeness. It was a transformative Sunday hearing from our brave students and leaders. Their stories of laying down everything to serve in NYC have not only inspired us but shown what true willingness to follow God looks like. You can catch up with Tracy’s latest insights on enduring faith and hope, reminding us to stay strong and confident in God’s promises, no matter the challenges. Watch the episode here. Keep the NYC team in your prayers as they reintegrate, carrying with them the lessons and love they’ve shared.

This Sunday, Henk Visser will explore the story of the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda from John 5 with his sermon, “Do You Want to Get Well?” Often, we may say we desire healing, yet unconsciously hold onto reasons why we remain unchanged, much like the paralytic. As Henk examines this narrative, we’ll look at the ways we might be stalling on our paths to recovery. This topic ties in well with our upcoming Trauma Healing Conference from September 27-29, aimed at helping us navigate and overcome these hurdles.

After the service, stick around for the Connect Cafe to meet someone new and build lasting friendships. It’s the perfect spot to deepen connections within our community.

Help us make a difference! This September, 10% of our General Fund will go toward supporting the Gulu Mission Team as they prepare for their journey to Uganda in November. Your generosity helps equip them to share God’s love and serve the community in Gulu. Thank you for being part of this mission!

The Salvation Army Food Bank plays a vital role in supporting those in need in our community. By giving, whether it’s food items or financial contributions, you help ensure that families facing difficult times have access to essentials. We have a table in the lobby where you can drop off non-perishable food donations. Your generosity goes a long way in making sure no one goes without a meal. Let’s continue to show love and care by supporting this important cause.

Connect Groups are Coming up! As fall approaches and you map out your schedule, take a moment to think about how your daily routines nurture your spiritual growth. Joining or leading a Connect Group could be a fantastic way to enrich this season. These groups offer a welcoming space to forge new friendships, grow in faith together, and support each other through prayer. Interested in leading? Join us for an informational Q&A session on Sunday in the multipurpose room after the service. For more details or to find the group that’s right for you, check our weekly emails or visit our website. We’re here to help you connect and grow!

Click on the group names for more details.



  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration




Healing Trauma Conference- Join us from September 27-29, 2024, at SCC for the Healing Trauma Conference. This event is crucial for anyone impacted by trauma—survivors, caregivers, families, and particularly professionals seeking to expand their understanding and skills. Dive into an exploration of trauma’s effects on mental, relational, and physical health, enriched by the latest studies and experiences from the Covid-19 pandemic. This conference is a significant opportunity for professional development, helping you enhance your capacity to support healing. Click below to register and deepen your expertise in trauma-informed care. For more information on the Integrated Health Transformation Centre (IHTC), you can check out their facebook page here.

In our latest blog post, we explore what it means to be “hope dealers” in our everyday lives. It’s about sharing the hope we carry from our faith and spreading it to those around us. This approach transforms how we interact with others, turning everyday moments into opportunities to reflect God’s love and promise. Each day offers a chance to bring light and encouragement to those in need. Take a moment to read our blog and see how you can actively spread hope today. Read the full blog here.

Meet Catherine Visser! She’s an essential part of our newcomer greeters team, always ready with a warm smile to make everyone feel at home. Catherine also plays a big role in leading one of our prayer ministry teams and is currently working hard to prepare for the upcoming Trauma Healing Conference. Her dedication helps create a welcoming and supportive community for all of us. Next time you see her, be sure to give her a big thank you for everything she does!

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

As we head into this week, I encourage you to take some time to simply be still and behold Jesus—the One who is making all things new. Don’t throw away your confidence; you are in need of endurance, and we are not quitters. We are more than conquerors through Christ Jesus. My prayer for you today is that His love, the goodness of our Father, and His deep joy fill you to overflowing, giving you the endurance you need for whatever challenges you’re facing. Remember, He is with you, ready to be your help and strength—He is everything you need!

Thanks for checking out this week’s edition of The Bridge Weekly. It’s always great to share this time with you, and we’re excited to catch up again next week. Until then, take care!

P.S. Don’t forget to take some time this week to read John 5:1-14. It’s the story of Jesus healing the paralytic at the Pool of Bethesda, a powerful reminder that Jesus not only sees our struggles but also offers healing and wholeness. As you reflect on the passage, consider how His question, “Do you want to get well?” might speak into your own life and what steps you can take toward healing and restoration.

Liking what you see in The Bridge Weekly? Spread the joy by sharing it with a friend! We put a lot of care into each issue, and by sharing, you help us reach and uplift even more people. Let’s keep our community growing together!