Return to God's Gift of Life

The Bridge #39

Hey SCC Family !

Welcome to The Bridge Weekly #39! As we move deeper into the final months of the year, it’s a great time to reflect on the rhythms of God’s work in our lives. Tracy spoke on how the changing seasons mirror the ways God shapes our hearts. Jesus often used imagery from nature to explain that His Kingdom is here and alive within us. Passages like Luke 17:21 and Romans 8 remind us that the Spirit intercedes for us, guiding us as we surrender our desires to follow God’s path.

Catch the full message here: Watch the Sermon.

In Listening & Responding this week, Tracy spoke about the importance of living with the awareness that God’s Kingdom is not just coming but is already present within us. As followers of Jesus, His very presence brings life to our bodies, minds, and souls. Repentance and surrender, as Tracy shared, are essential practices that allow us to live in step with God’s Kingdom. We’re called to humble ourselves daily and ask, “What does Jesus say in this moment?”

And don’t miss Tracy’s latest Listening & Responding episode here: Watch Here.

This weekend wraps up our Trauma Healing Conference, with Sunday being the final day. Whether you’re a survivor, caregiver, or family member, this event is a time to explore the impact of trauma on mental, relational, and physical health and to discover paths toward healing. Grounded in recent studies and insights from the pandemic, this weekend offers a space for everyone to experience God’s healing work. Join us on Sunday as we celebrate the goodness of God and all He is doing in our lives.

After the service, grab a coffee and connect with others!

Make a difference with us! Throughout September, 10% of our General Fund is going toward the Gulu Mission Team as they gear up for their November trip to Uganda. So far, we’ve raised $2,311 as of September 22nd! Your support is helping them share God’s love and serve the Gulu community. This is the final week to contribute—thank you for being part of this mission!

The Salvation Army Food Bank plays a vital role in supporting those in need in our community. By giving, whether it’s food items or financial contributions, you help ensure that families facing difficult times have access to essentials. We have a table in the lobby where you can drop off non-perishable food donations. Your generosity goes a long way in ensuring no one goes without a meal. Let’s continue to show love and care by supporting this important cause.

It’s almost that time of year again! As we prepare for our Operation Christmas Child campaign starting in October, take a moment to think about what you’d like to include in your shoeboxes. Whether it’s school supplies, toys, or hygiene items, each gift shares Jesus’ love and brings hope to children in need around the world. Let’s come together and make a meaningful impact as we reflect His love through these gifts. The final drop-off date will be November 21-23.

Connect Groups are kicking off! As you settle into your fall routine, consider how your daily habits are shaping your spiritual journey. Whether you’re looking to join or lead, Connect Groups offer a great opportunity to strengthen your faith this season. These gatherings provide a warm space to build new relationships, grow together, and uplift each other in prayer. Most groups have already started or are starting this week, so it’s a perfect time to get involved! For more details or to find the right group for you, CLICK HERE.

The Bible Recap is kicking off the New Testament on September 30th! If you didn’t get a chance to start with us in January, this is the perfect time to jump in. Join us as we dive into the New Testament together—there’s no better way to deepen your understanding of God’s Word. We’d love for you to join us for this fresh start on September 30th!

Click on the group names for more details.



  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration





The Healing Trauma Conference starts tomorrow! From September 27-29, join us at SCC for a powerful weekend dedicated to understanding and healing trauma. This event is ideal for survivors, caregivers, families, and professionals looking to expand their knowledge and skills. You’ll gain valuable insights into how trauma impacts mental, physical, and relational health, with a special focus on new findings shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s an excellent chance for professional growth and learning how to support those in need better. Click below to register and take part in this important event. You can check out their Facebook page HERE for more information on the Integrated Health Transformation Centre (IHTC).

We’re gearing up for our fall clean-up on October 19, and we’d love for you to join us! We’ve set up two time slots, 9-12 and 1-4, so you can choose the one that works best for your schedule. This is a great opportunity to come together and help keep our building looking its best inside and out. Whether you can come for a few hours or the whole day, your help is greatly appreciated! Look for the sign up sheet on the hub!

Join us on Sunda, October 20th, for our October ‘Fest’ Gulu Mission Fundraiser! We’ll be serving up sausages and baked potatoes, with all proceeds going toward our outreach efforts in Gulu. Our team has plans to serve in the Women’s & Children’s Prison, the local hospital, with university students, and more. Your support helps make these ministry opportunities possible, and we’re so grateful for your love and generosity!

Repentance is more than just saying “I’m sorry”—it’s about returning to life, to the fullness that God offers us. It’s an invitation to turn away from the things that weigh us down and open our hearts to the healing and freedom Jesus provides. When we let go of our pride, surrender our need for control, and trust in God’s mercy, we begin to experience a deeper sense of peace and wholeness. Where in your life do you feel a need to turn back to God? What would it look like to embrace that invitation today?

For more thoughts on this, you can read the full blog post here: REPENTANCE: RETURN TO LIFE.

This week, instead of highlighting one volunteer, we want to take a moment to explain what it means to be a Bridge Builder at SCC. Bridge Builders are the heart and soul of our church, creating connections by welcoming, serving, and supporting everyone who walks through our doors. They are the friendly faces, the helping hands, and the people who make our community feel like home. To give you a little glimpse, check out this fun video of Don MacDonald greeting people at the door on Sunday! His joyful energy is what being a Bridge Builder is all about.

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

As we head into this week, let’s take a moment to reflect on how we respond to life’s challenges. Instead of trying to control or avoid pain, what if we learned to sit with Jesus in it? He’s not distant; He’s right there, gentle and kind, walking with us through every storm. Remember, Jesus, the suffering servant, didn’t run from hardship—He embraced it, knowing new life would come through it. As we walk with Him, may we seek the Father’s ways and trust that He’s making all things new in us. 

Thanks for checking out this week’s edition of The Bridge Weekly. It’s always great to share this time with you, and we’re excited to catch up again next week. Until then, take care!

P.S. Don’t forget—the Trauma Healing Conference kicks off this Friday! There’s still time to register online or in person at the door. We’d love to have you join us!

Liking what you see in The Bridge Weekly? Spread the joy by sharing it with a friend! We put a lot of care into each issue, and by sharing, you help us reach and uplift even more people. Let’s keep our community growing together!