Our Role in God’s Plan

The Bridge #30

Hey there SCC Family !

Welcome to the 30th edition of The Bridge—can you believe we’re already 30 Thursdays deep into the year?

This week, Henk Visser delivered a compelling sermon on spiritual renewal and its ripple effects from our local community to the global stage. In his talk titled “Abundant Life After Trauma,” Henk emphasized the importance of shedding spiritual burdens such as past sins and deep wounds, guided by Hebrews 12:1. He discussed how healing from these traumas is essential for advancing in God’s plan and enhancing our spiritual health.

Henk also explored the impact of unresolved trauma and shame on our spiritual lives and community well-being, using insights from both medical and psychological perspectives. He stressed the value of a supportive community in our collective healing journey, crucial for our growth and resilience.

For those looking to deepen their understanding of this topic or find additional support, feel free to check out Henk’s full sermon here, and make sure you catch Tracy’s latest Listening & Responding episode here. Our church also offers various resources to help with spiritual and emotional healing; you can access these supportive materials here. Using these resources can really enrich your journey and help you connect more deeply with the themes we’ve talked about this week.

This Sunday, Tracy will be exploring Romans 8:22-27, focusing on how this scripture speaks to the deep groanings of creation and our own longing for redemption. It’s a powerful reminder of how closely intertwined our lives are with God’s great purpose for all of creation. Tracy will unfold how these verses call us not only to recognize our shared sufferings but also to anticipate the profound renewal that awaits us all.

Consider reading the passage beforehand to fully engage with Tracy’s message—it will make the sermon even more impactful.

And don’t forget, after the service, we’re all gathering for our Annual SCC Family BBQ! Please sign up below to let us know what you’ll be bringing. It helps us make sure there’s plenty of food and fun for everyone. I'm looking forward to seeing you there for some great food and good times!

This Sunday also marks Ann and Jim Sutherland’s last day with us as they prepare to move to Redding, California, for studies at the Bethel School of Ministry. We’re incredibly thankful for the wonderful impact they’ve had on our community. As they start this new chapter, let’s show our support and love. If you’d like to help, please consider giving a financial gift directly to Ann and Jim to support their journey—every bit helps as they take this big step forward in their lives.

Click on the group names for more details.



  • 7:00 PM: Friday Night Games Group in the Cafe

  • 7:00 PM: Thrive Young Adults in the Youth room


  • Looks like it will be a beautiful day! Enjoy your day!


  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration

  • 12:00 PM: SCC Family BBQ!




Street Evangelism - Now that we’ve wrapped up an incredible week with Tommie Zito and his team, we’re all fired up to keep the momentum going! Every second Friday, we hit the streets to share our faith, and you’re invited to join us. Our next street evangelism is on August 2nd: we’ll start with some prep and training from 11 AM to 12 PM, and then from 12 PM to 1 PM, we’ll be out in the community. It’s a fantastic way to put our faith into action and connect with people. Hope to see you there—it’s always a rewarding experience!

Baptism Sunday is coming up on August 11 at 2 pm at Cabot Beach. It’s a special time for our community, and we’d love for you to join us. If you’re thinking about getting baptized and want to take this step in your faith, just get in touch with the church office or click the link below. We’re here to help and support you through this important decision. Also, to save you some time before heading to the beach, our NYC Mission team will be selling pizza and pop after church. Grab a quick bite to fuel up as we celebrate this significant event together!

Healing Trauma Conference- Join us from September 27-29, 2024, at SCC. This conference is open to everyone—survivors, caregivers, professionals, and anyone interested in learning about trauma's impact and healing methods. Enjoy breakouts on a range of interventions and practices on Saturday afternoon. Early bird registration is $100 until August 16; after that, it's $120. Students register for $60, and groups of six or more can register for $80 each if booked by August 16. See you there—let's explore healing together!

From the dawn of creation, we were made in God’s image, tasked with caring for the world He crafted (Genesis 1:26-32). Our role isn’t just about dominion; it’s about partnership, about being fruitful together with God. This partnership, however, starts with our own transformation. As Henri Nouwen beautifully puts it, our fruitfulness emerges not from our strength, but from our vulnerability, from our willingness to be broken open like a seed in fertile soil.

In this journey, acknowledging our own brokenness—our spiritual poverty—is vital. Jesus Himself said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” It’s in our weakest moments that we find the strength to grow, guided by the Vine Himself, Jesus. As branches, we thrive when connected to Him, drawing life from His words and presence.

How are you strengthening your connection with Jesus lately? Are you letting His love transform your challenges into chances for growth? Let’s take some time to think about how we can stay in His light and consistently seek His guidance in every part of our lives.

Darwin Gilcash is one of our dedicated tellers, meticulously counting our tithes and offerings to ensure accuracy. Beyond being one of our trusted tellers, he brings years of accounting expertise to our Financial Committee, helping us manage and steward our resources wisely. Next time you see Darwin, give him thanks for his dedication—it’s folks like him who help keep everything at SCC running smoothly and sustainably.

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

This week, take a moment to think about an area of your life where you can draw closer to Jesus. What’s something that’s been distracting you or pulling your focus away? Consider how inviting Jesus to help us center our lives around His desires for us. It’s not just about surrender; it’s about inviting Him into every part of our daily walk.

Thanks for taking a moment to catch up with us in this edition of The Bridge Weekly. We love sharing this journey with you and can't wait to connect again next week!

P.S. Don’t forget to read Romans 8:22-27 before Sunday’s service. These verses speak powerfully about hope and endurance, reminding us that even when things seem uncertain, the Spirit is interceding for us. Think about how these truths might resonate with your own experiences as we prepare to dive deeper together this weekend.

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