Do you want to get well?

The Bridge #37

Hey SCC Family !

The Bridge #37 – Can you believe there are only 15 Thursdays left until the end of the year? Time is flying, but each week offers a new opportunity to dive deeper into what God is teaching us.

In this week’s sermon, Henk Visser reflected on Jesus’ question to the paralytic: “Do you want to get well?” from John 5. This powerful question applies to us too, as we often carry unseen wounds that hinder our healing. Henk highlighted that healing begins when we admit our need for help and take active steps toward restoration. Fear, comfort, or false identity may hold us back, but Jesus offers full healing for every part of our lives—physical, emotional, and spiritual.

In the latest episode of Listening & Responding, we explored how this concept of healing fits into our journey with Jesus. Sometimes we resist healing because we don’t realize we’re stuck, but God is continually inviting us to trust Him, even with the hardest parts of our lives. Healing is not just physical; it’s a holistic restoration of our hearts and minds. Jesus is always working to bring us into fullness. Tracy talks about how these ideas connect to living a life of wholeness and surrender.

To hear more from Henk’s message, check out the sermon here. And if you missed Listening & Responding, you can catch Tracy’s latest episode here.

Josh will be speaking this Sunday, sharing a message you won’t want to miss! Plus, we’ll be providing some important updates on our fall Connect Groups—great opportunities to grow in faith and build community together.

After the service, stay for Connect Cafe! Grab a coffee, catch up with others, and strike up a conversation with someone you haven’t met yet. We look forward to seeing you!

Help us make a difference! This September, 10% of our General Fund will go toward supporting the Gulu Mission Team as they prepare for their journey to Uganda in November. Your generosity helps equip them to share God’s love and serve the community in Gulu. Thank you for being part of this mission!

The Salvation Army Food Bank plays a vital role in supporting those in need in our community. By giving, whether it’s food items or financial contributions, you help ensure that families facing difficult times have access to essentials. We have a table in the lobby where you can drop off non-perishable food donations. Your generosity goes a long way in making sure no one goes without a meal. Let’s continue to show love and care by supporting this important cause.

Connect Groups are Coming up! As fall approaches and you map out your schedule, take a moment to think about how your daily routines nurture your spiritual growth. Joining or leading a Connect Group could be a fantastic way to enrich this season. These groups offer a welcoming space to forge new friendships, grow in faith together, and support each other through prayer. For more details or to find the group that’s right for you, CLICK HERE. We’re here to help you connect and grow!

The Bible Recap is kicking off the New Testament on September 30th! If you didn’t get a chance to start with us back in January, this is the perfect time to jump in. Join us as we dive into the New Testament together—there’s no better way to deepen your understanding of God’s Word. We’d love for you to join us for this fresh start on September 30th!

Click on the group names for more details.



  • 10:00 AM: Sunday Celebration




Healing Trauma Conference- Join us from September 27-29, 2024, at SCC for the Healing Trauma Conference. This event is crucial for anyone impacted by trauma—survivors, caregivers, families, and particularly professionals seeking to expand their understanding and skills. Dive into an exploration of trauma’s effects on mental, relational, and physical health, enriched by the latest studies and experiences from the Covid-19 pandemic. This conference is a significant opportunity for professional development, helping you enhance your capacity to support healing. Click below to register and deepen your expertise in trauma-informed care. For more information on the Integrated Health Transformation Centre (IHTC), you can check out their facebook page here.

Have you ever considered why Jesus asked, “Do you want to get well?” in John 5? It seems like an obvious question, but sometimes we become so familiar with our struggles that we don’t know how to let go. Whether it’s physical, emotional, or spiritual, healing begins when we take a step of faith, trusting Jesus to lead the way. He doesn’t just offer healing—He offers wholeness. What’s stopping you from stepping into that today?

For more thoughts on this, check out our latest blog post. Read the full blog here.

Meet Shirley Ferguson, a vital part of our community who co-leads both our prayer ministry teams and the Art in Church Connect group. Her passion for blending creativity with faith brings a unique and inspiring touch to our church. Whether it’s through prayer or art, Shirley helps create spaces where people can grow and connect. Next time you see her, take a moment to thank her for all she does to make our church feel more vibrant and welcoming!

Stay Connected: Your engagement brings our community to life! Haven't visited our website yet? Click here to explore more opportunities for connection and involvement.

As we step into this week, my prayer is that you trust the Lord as your healer, the one who restores your health and renews your strength. May you find the courage to answer His question, “Do you want to be healthy?” with a resounding yes. Let’s lean into His love and grace, trusting Him to lead us toward wholeness and renewal in every area of our lives.

Thanks for checking out this week’s edition of The Bridge Weekly. It’s always great to share this time with you, and we’re excited to catch up again next week. Until then, take care!

P.S. As fall approaches, it’s a great time to start thinking about your schedule and how you can grow in community. Take a moment to consider which Connect Groups you’d like to be involved in this season. There’s something for everyone—let’s grow together!

Liking what you see in The Bridge Weekly? Spread the joy by sharing it with a friend! We put a lot of care into each issue, and by sharing, you help us reach and uplift even more people. Let’s keep our community growing together!