Weekly E-Blast February 23, 2023

SCC Weekly Updates


We look forward to being together on Sunday! 

Every Sunday is a little different and this week we look forward to engaging in worship with our New Wine Worship team, sharing Communion together and a message from our Teaching Team.


Our service begins at 10:00 am. Pre-Service Prayer for the service is open to anyone who would like to attend. Join us from 9:30 - 9:50 am on Sundays. 

If you or someone in your family is not feeling well, we encourage you to join us on Facebook or YouTube by using the links below.  

We welcome you to our Sunday Celebration In-Person at Centre 150. 


On February 22, Tracy expressed her thoughts through a Facebook Live stream.

For many Ash Wednesday is the beginning of a season of fasting. This is a spiritual practice that gives space to being with God in new and different ways. The purpose of giving something up for these 40 days is more about the heart than the giving up of something. How will giving up this ‘thing’ allow me more intentional time with the Father. Will my fast give me more space to be with the Father and met the real longings of my heart? David reminds us of this in Psalm 51:10-12

"Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit in me. Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me.  Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.”


Centre 150 is open Thursdays, from 9:00-12:00 pm as a special space for spending time with the Lord. From 9:00-10:00 am we will have a time of interactive prayer and live worship. From 10:00 - Noon we will have music only. 


The Table is a monthly event for island women, aimed at inspiring whole-hearted life with God through worship, teaching, and connection. It will be held on March 3rd at Centre 150, Summerside, PE, from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm. This ministry welcomes women of all ages (18+), backgrounds, and faiths.


The SCC Men's Breakfast for the month of March has been rescheduled to the 3rd Saturday, March 18th instead of the usual 2nd Saturday.

Becoming a Spiritual Person While Leading the World

Spiritual Growth • Organizational Structure • Mental Health

ConteXtus: (n)

  • to hold things together in context

  • connected together / the coherence of a thing / structure and fabric

What does it means to lead in the context(us) of the Kingdom of God?This conference is for anyone involved in leadership to any degree. Whether you're leading a greeting team at your church or leading a million dollar organization, you will get something from each session!


Bearing another’s burdens in an unhealthy way is sometimes called “Burden Bearing.” It is also known as “Empathy Overload.” Another closely related descriptor is “Compassion Fatigue.”

While caring for others is positive, one can over-function and become overwhelmed by other people’s distress. This drains one’s energy often resulting in fatigue, burnout, depression, and physical illness. 

This workshop will help you gain insight into your own personality and over-functioning tendencies, and their roots, and will offer real solutions to developing more healthy compassion.

Teacher: Shirley FergusonDates: Tuesdays, April 11 & 18, 2023, from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pmVenue: Victoria Schoolhouse, 730 Victoria Road, Victoria-by-the-Sea, PEI

Early Bird Registration before April 4 - $ 20.00After April 4 - $ 30.00

No one is without some wounding from rejection. When repeatedly rejected at any stage of our life we can be wounded and form a distorted image of who we are. In our spirit, mind and emotions we believe a lie that can be the root of our social and relational problems.

In this workshop we explore and call on the Holy Spirit to reveal the bad roots and ask God to cut off the roots of rejection. We then invite God’s love and acceptance into each area of wounding.

Each teaching will be followed by the ministry of Holy Spirit inviting Him to bring revelation and healing.

'Bad root brings bad fruit,' thus the need for God’s revelation to reveal what root was formed.

Teachers: Catherine Visser, Shirley Ferguson, Jim SutherlandDates: Tuesdays, April 25 to May 23, 2023 from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pmVenue: Victoria Schoolhouse, 730 Victoria Road, Victoria-by-the-Sea, PEI

Early bird registration before April 18 - $ 40.00After April 18 - $ 50.00


At Summerside Community Church we believe that prayer is our power.  Prayer is for everyone and for certain situations we do have a specifically trained prayer team.

Our Youth meet every Thursday at Centre 150 at 7:00pm, ages 12 - 18.Come and experience connection, belonging and God’s love for you!Keep up to date by checking out our Facebook page below. 


We have an exciting event coming up in March! March 10th - 12th, We are going to see our friends from Nova Scotia! This will be a great weekend of being with Jesus and friends! 

The cost is $90/Student, which will cover all food and accommodation and travel to Halifax! If you have any questions, please reach out! The deadline to sign up is March 1st!

If your child is ill, please wait until they are feeling better.  

Grades Two and up are studying various subjects moving into the Spring season. Our attention is going to be focused on Jesus our Healer. Each lesson may take two or more weeks to cover and includes additional scriptures to add more depth to each subject area. 

Ways you can help

Packing, delivery, donating funds/specific food items, or sponsoring a child for $30 per month. Contact: Colby ([email protected]) or Deb([email protected])


Every Tuesday @ 7:00 pm


CR is a safe confidential place to unpack your issues and work toward freedom in Jesus! We continue to meet every Tuesday evening at 7 pm.



SCC has compiled resources for helping anyone who wants to go deeper into self-exploration. Prayer ministry, life coaching and counselling are all ways to create patterns in life that help you move forward or understand a current situation more fully. Click on the link below for more information.


Appointments for individual and couple restorative therapy by IHTC team members are available at http://ihtc.info/client-registration/


We are a praying and generous church.Thank you for actively loving your neighbour as yourself.  

Prayers for Sherla MacNeill

Sherla had surgery on Thursday, January 26th in Halifax. She is doing well pain-wise and getting stronger each day. Soon she will be able to transition her diet. She is concerned about this and is asking for ongoing prayer. 

Ongoing Prayer For Chesley Chaisson

On Wednesday, Chesley had an appointment with the surgeon and received encouraging news. He was pleased with Chesley's progress and said that in another two weeks, he can try weight-bearing without a cast, which is fantastic! He will likely have to wear the boot for some time. He’s going to physio twice a week and working very hard. He’s determined to get moving. Their family is doing well, the kids are such troopers and a great help. Leslie will be taking some time off over the next few weeks to be with the family during the winter break.


We are building up a community of intercessors who will keep the fires burning. Join us. Share us. Like us. Pray with us any time, anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are accessible to everyone.

Thank you to the National House of Prayer for leading on-going prayer for our Nation. Sign Up Here for the Newsletter


Tracy and Colby present an overview of the ongoing work at Gulu Community Park and the exciting opportunities for ministry and discipleship. Watching their 11-minute presentation is definitely worthwhile.




Let's Make A Dent In Hunger! 

For February, we are in need of fruit cups, but any non-perishable item would be greatly appreciated.


 Weekly Giving 

February 19, 2023


General Fund: $4,363.83Building Fund: $20.00 YTD General: $38,825.61

SCC Weekly Updates:

 Do you need to find information from an older Weekly Update? You are able to see the SCC Weekly Updates online. Click on the link below and you will find everything since we began this new format.Happy Browsing. 

To ensure these messages appear in your inbox and not junk or spam folders, add Summerside Community Church and our email address [email protected] to your contact list.


In the event of inclement weather, SCC will make every attempt to notify you of a Sunday Celebration change. Our methods of communication are:Our website

our Facebook page 

, and for those who receive our e-blast, an email. If the power goes out in Summerside, there will be no church. If a Sunday is forecast to be treacherous, we will likely have our 10:00 am service on ZOOM. Please use the button below to see the About Us And More Sunday Service Information page.