Weekly E-Blast January 12, 2023

SCC Weekly Updates


We look forward to being together on Sunday! 

Every Sunday is a little different and this week we look forward to engaging in worship with our New Wine Worship team, sharing Communion together and a message from our Teaching Team.


Our service begins at 10:00 am. Pre-Service Prayer for the service is open to anyone who would like to attend. Join us from 9:30 - 9:50 am on Sundays. 

If you or someone in your family is not feeling well, we encourage you to join us on Facebook or YouTube by using the links below.  

We welcome you to our Sunday Celebration In-Person at Centre 150. 

Work in Progress

When you come in on Sunday, you will notice our lobby area is still in progress! Thank you for your patience as we beautify our space. 


Centre 150 is open each Thursday, from 9:00-12:00 pm as a special space for spending time with the Lord. From 9:00-10:00 am we will have a time of interactive prayer and live worship. From 10:00 - Noon we will have music only. 

Office Staff Change

Farewell Jeanne Day!

Jeanne Day our Church Office Administrator is retiring this month. Jeanne has been such a gift and the right person to do this job through so much change like COVID restrictions & shut-downs, people going and coming, and a Lead Pastor transition. We can’t say enough about her care for the staff, all of you, and Centre 150 in her day-to-day responsibilities. Her professionalism, confidentiality, no non-sense approach to the role, along with her laughter, creativity and perseverance made her the best person for this role. As a staff team we are going to miss her dearly. She will continue to attend SCC and will be helping us with the transition this month, you may see her in the office or helping at the HUB on a Sunday.

Welcome, Natasha Gillis!

Natasha has been volunteering in the office since 2018 and is ready to step in and transition into Jeanne’s role. Like Jeanne, we see God’s timing in Natasha coming into this role. As we step into the things God is doing, we continue to evolve and grow as a church. In the last year Natasha worked for a local non-profit and she brings new skills and experience into the role that we know will be a blessing. As a staff we are excited to work with Natasha in this role. You will find her in the office 4 days a week and she will be supporting the front area on Sunday’s.

Staffing Changes

Welcome YWAM team from Niagara!

They are with us from January 11-15.

Help Us Refresh Centre 150

We got a lot of painting done this past week but there is still more to do! So we have another painting day coming up on Tuesday, January 17th. Put on your best painting clothes and join us!

Prayer Ministry Teams

At Summerside Community Church we believe that prayer is our power.  Prayer is for everyone and for certain situations we do have a specifically trained prayer team.

The role of the prayer ministry team is when we ask for the ministry teams to come up to pray with people on a Sunday or for a special ministry prayer service/event. This team is trained in the principles of prayer ministry and provided ongoing training and support. They value confidentiality, protocols, leadership, and submission to one another.  You will know who is on this team as they wear lanyards. When responding to a call for prayer we can find ourselves in a vulnerable place and these teams are trained and supported to ensure that ministry time is safe for you to experience the love and tenderness of the Father’s heart.

Thank you to Jack & Shirley Ferguson who lead our current team. Please feel free to reach out to them with any questions or interest in the training. Jack — [email protected] or Shirley [email protected]

Open Door Outreach is in need of gently used men's and women's short winter jackets for those being released from jail. Men's sizes XL and XXL and women's sizes L and XL.  Drop off at Centre 150 on Sunday's or during weekday office hours (Mon-Fri, 9:00am-12:00pm).

We have a new Logo and that's not all... Keep up to date by checking out our Facebook page below.  

Come Support our 2023 youth mission team to Niagara, Canada!  This event will be an evening full of delicious food, excellent entertainment and a cake auction!Tickets on sale for Fundraiser Dinner December 18th after Sunday Celebration. Cost is $30 for 1 or $50 for 2!  Kids Care will be provided for free!Come enjoy a fun evening to support the Youth Missions Team to YWAM Niagara. For more information email [email protected] or register at the link below.

If your child is ill, please wait until they are feeling better.  

Grades Two and Up are studying various subjects moving into the Fall season. There will be a special guest this Sunday, Jan 15th.Our attention is going to be focused on Jesus Our Healer. Each lesson may take two or more weeks to cover and includes additional scriptures to add more depth to each subject area. 

Big Brothers Big Sisters have been building their programming back toward pre Covid levels. Their In-School Mentoring Program provides children with a role model and friend to talk to right in their own school. Bigs and Littles will share experiences, stories and have fun for an hour every week.

The benefits aren’t just social! This one-to-one relationship also fosters increased educational engagement and mental health & wellbeing by:

  • Providing a role model and friend for children;

  • Promoting the importance of staying in school and healthy relationships with family and peers;

  • Instilling trust and self-confidence to make healthy decisions;

  • Encouraging leadership skills and independent thinking;

  • And above all, making a difference while having fun!



Every Tuesday @ 7:00 pm 

CR is a safe confidential place to unpack your issues and work toward freedom in Jesus! We continue to meet every Tuesday evening at 7 pm.



SCC has compiled resources for helping anyone who wants to go deeper into self-exploration. Prayer Ministry, Life Coaching and Counselling are all ways to create patterns in life that help you move forward or understand a current situation more fully. Click on the link below for more information.


Appointments for individual and couple restorative therapy by IHTC team members are available at http://ihtc.info/client-registration/


We are a praying and generous church.Thank you for actively loving your neighbour as yourself.  

Ongoing Prayer For Chesley Chaisson

Continue to pray for Chesley's ongoing recovery. He and Leslie are very grateful for their church right now. We will be sending out more information as it becomes available.


We are building up a community of intercessors who will keep the fires burning. Join us. Share us. Like us. Pray with us any time, anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are accessible to everyone.

Thank you to the National House of Prayer for leading on-going prayer for our Nation. Sign Up Here for the Newsletter


Tracy & Colby are heading to Gulu from January 24 - February 7

We have been building a relationship with World Embrace for the last 5 years and we have been financially supporting their work in Gulu, Uganda. The Missions Team has decided it's time to take an exploratory trip to see if this is the place for SCC to further invest in international kingdom building for the future.

This is an exploratory trip, please be praying for us as we minister in Gulu and discern the Father’s voice for our future with World Embrace.




Let's Make A Dent In Hunger! 

 Final Week 

General Fund: $52,633.18

Building Fund: $60.00

 YTD General: $345,587.73



Year to Date: 345,587.73Weekly Average: 6,645.92


Year to Date: 338,977.14Weekly Average: 6,518.79


 Weekly Giving 

January 8, 2023


General Fund: $5,853.23

Building Fund: $95.00

 YTD General: $5998.23

SCC Weekly Updates:

 Do you need to find information from an older Weekly Update? You are able to see the SCC Weekly Updates online. Click on the link below and you will find everything since we began this new format.Happy Browsing. 

To ensure these messages appear in your inbox and not junk or spam folders, add Summerside Community Church and our email address [email protected] to your contact list.


In the event of inclement weather, SCC will make every attempt to notify you of a Sunday Celebration change. Our methods of communication are:Our website

our Facebook page 

, and for those who receive our e-blast, an email. If the power goes out in Summerside, there will be no church. If a Sunday is forecast to be treacherous, we will likely have our 10:00 am service on ZOOM. Please use the button below to see the About Us And More Sunday Service Information page.