Weekly Update December 21

Embrace Joy

"May you always be joyful in your union with the Lord.I say it again: rejoice!"

Philippians 4:4

Hello, As Advent continues, we turn our hearts to the theme of joy. In Philippians 4:4, we are reminded to find joy in our union with the Lord. This joy isn't just a fleeting feeling; it's a deep-rooted delight in God's presence in our lives, regardless of our circumstances. Joy is often found in unlikely places. As we move through this week, let's embrace this joy and share it with those around us, shining as beacons of God's love and hope.Thanks to the generous hearts of our community, we've raised a total of $3,697.26 for our Christmas Blessing campaign! Your faithful giving has allowed us to help an additional 3 families. In total, we have helped 6 families and 25 single moms this Christmas. Your kindness and generosity truly embody the spirit of Jesus. Thank you for making a difference and spreading love during this special time of the year!

    As we approach the end of 2023, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your financial support and dedication. Your contributions throughout the year have played a crucial role in our church's growth and outreach. As we look forward to a new year filled with hope and opportunity, we invite you to participate in our end-of-year giving. Your generosity enables us to continue our mission of guiding others toward a meaningful relationship with Jesus through encounter, relationship, and discipleship. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a significant impact. Thank you for being part of our journey.

    Here's what's coming up:


    • Christmas Eve Service starts at 11:00 am

    Monday, Dec 25 -Friday, Dec 29:

    • Church offices Closed


    Join us for a special Christmas Eve service at 11 AM! Mark your calendars for December 24th and get ready to celebrate the birth of Jesus with us. PLEASE NOTE: This year, we'll be starting at 11:00 am instead of our usual 10:00 am, so make sure to adjust your schedule accordingly. Join us with your loved ones for an hour of worshipping our Saviour. We can't wait to share this special time with you!  We will collect donations for the Salvation Army food bank during the service. Whether it's a food item or monetary support, your contribution is greatly appreciated.  **Note: Children will stay with their parents during this serviceMovie Night Fundraiser- Join us and enjoy an awesome movie based on a true story! The Blind will be showing here at Centre 150 on December 29th. Doors open at 6 pm, Movie starts at 6:45. Tickets are $12 per adult and $6 for youth 16 and under. Popcorn, Drinks and Snacks are available to purchase. 100% of profits go to support 6 youth heading out on an outreach to NYC in August of 2024. Get your tickets HERE. The remaining tickets will be available at the door. (Cash only ) Debit and credit are available for concession! Offices Closed: Our offices will be closed from December 25 - January 2nd. Church Family Update: Jack and Colby are set to journey to Reynosa, Mexico, on February 1, to connect with Josh Muse, the Founder of Kaleo International. Many of you will remember Josh from his visit with us in July. The goal for this trip is to continue to build relationships and explore future ministry opportunities with Kaleo. Your ongoing support is deeply appreciated as we work towards witnessing the Kingdom of God thriving globally. If you feel led to donate to support the costs of this trip and to bless the work of Kaleo, donations are welcome until January 21. Mark your donations for Kaleo International. Thank you for being a part of our shared mission and journey together.

    In Sunday's Message, part of the 'I Am' series, Josh discussed Jesus' declaration, 'I am the true vine,' from John 15. He highlighted the importance of staying connected to Christ for spiritual growth and the necessity of pruning in our lives and the church. This message invites us to experience Jesus intimately and to actively participate in our journey toward maturity. For a deeper understanding, watch the full sermon HERE

    As we wrapped up the year and the 'I Am' series, Tracy's reflection on 'Listening & Responding' brought us back to the joy of Advent and the profound message of Jesus as the True Vine. We're reminded that, like branches, we're pruned to bear fruit, reflecting the joy and love of the Father. This Advent, we discover joy in unexpected places, just as the angel proclaimed great joy at Jesus' birth (Luke 2:10-11). As we abide in Christ, our joy becomes complete, and we learn to recognize and respond to God's daily invitations to share in His joy. This understanding helps us find our true selves and strengthens our connection with God and our church community. Let's seek to experience the fullness of His joy this Christmas season and beyond. Catch the full reflection HERE.

    Join Us for a Special Christmas Eve Service. Celebrate with us this Sunday at our special Christmas Eve service starting at 11 a.m., as Tracy brings light to our 'I Am' series with 'I am the Light of the World'. Pre-service prayer will begin at 10:15 a.m. If you're unable to join us in person, you can still be part of our celebration through our YouTube channel. "We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us. So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters." 1 John 3:16

    Stay in the loop with all things happening at our church by checking out our WEBSITE. We've got the latest updates on events, and you can stay connected with our community. Your generosity fuels the mission, so catch up on the GIVING updates. Remember, we're on this journey together, growing in faith and impacting lives.

    Merry Christmas and may your week be full of the Joy of the LORD and all his goodness!!

     P.S.  This week, let's focus on learning to see God's movements as His way of inviting us to share in His joy. It's a beautiful and natural step in strengthening our walk with God, and growing closer to Him through these shared moments of joy.
