Weekly Update December 28

Love in Action: Walking in Jesus' Path of Love

We know what real love is because Jesus gave up his life for us.So we also ought to give up our lives for our brothers and sisters.

1John 3:16


As Advent concludes, we're reminded that the heart of this season is love. It's a time when we reflect on the profound love God showed by sending Jesus into the world. This love isn't just an abstract concept; it's active and life-changing. It calls us to love others with the same depth and selflessness.  Let's embrace this love in our daily lives, sharing it through our actions and relationships. This is how we truly honour the spirit of Advent and the message of Christ.

    Here's what's coming up:


    Offices Closed: Our offices will be closed until January 2nd. Church Family Update: Jack Ferguson and Colby Lidstone, who are part of the Missions Leadership Team, are set to journey to Reynosa, Mexico, on February 1, to connect with Josh Muse, the Founder of Kaleo International. Many of you will remember Josh from his visit with us in July. The goal for this trip is to continue to build relationships and explore future ministry opportunities with Kaleo. Your ongoing support is deeply appreciated as we work towards witnessing the Kingdom of God thriving globally. If you feel led to donate to support the costs of this trip and to bless the work of Kaleo, donations are welcome until January 21. Mark your donations for Kaleo International. Thank you for being a part of our shared mission and journey together.

    Movie Night Fundraiser Tomorrow

    - Join us and enjoy an awesome movie based on a true story! Doors open at 6 pm, Movie starts at 6:45. Tickets are $12 per adult and $6 for youth 16 and under. Popcorn, Drinks and Snacks are available to purchase. 100% of profits go to support 6 youth heading out on an outreach to NYC in August of 2024. Get your tickets

    . The remaining tickets will be available at the door. (Cash only ) Debit and credit are available for concession!  

    During our Christmas Eve Service last Sunday, Tracy explored the significance of Jesus' statement, 'I am the light of the world' as described in John 8:12. She highlighted the contrast between light and darkness, emphasizing the way following Jesus can illuminate our lives, leading us away from confusion and obscurity. Tracy stressed the importance of not simply recognizing Jesus as the light, but actively pursuing Him. This message invites us to place our trust in Jesus, allowing His light to lead us in our personal and collective spiritual journeys towards understanding, growth, and redemption. For more, watch the full sermon HERE

    Thank you to everyone who joined our Christmas Eve service and a special thanks to our dedicated volunteers who made this beautiful time of worship and celebration possible. We are also thrilled to announce that through your generous contributions, we raised $1039.15 for the Salvation Army food bank. Your open hearts and hands are truly making a difference in our community. Thank you so much for your generosity and for helping those in need!Join Us for Church. As we end 2023 this coming Sunday, our teaching team looks forward to sharing how making time to be in God’s word, apart from their teaching preparation, has impacted them and their relationship with God. One of the places of direct relationship with God is through the scriptures. As the psalmist says, God’s word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. And the Proverbs tells us that it is life to our bones. Our SCC Teachers love the scriptures and will share how God has encountered them through the scriptures this year and some of the things that have helped them make space to encounter God through His Word daily. Pre-service prayer begins at 9:15 a.m. If you can't attend in person, you can still connect with us through our YouTube channel.  We can't wait to see you!How Do I Begin a Daily Practice of Reading Scripture?We are delighted you asked! In 2024, we invite you to engage in the daily practice of incorporating scripture reading and reflection into your life. Research indicates that only 12% of professing Christians read the Bible, a statistic that raises concerns. How can we truly follow Jesus if we're not immersed in His word? Recognizing that finding time for this in an already busy schedule can be daunting, we understand that sustaining this practice may seem challenging for many.

    Creating a daily rhythm of reading scripture requires practice, encouragement, and resilience—getting up and continuing to move forward even after stumbling, no matter how difficult.

    Starting on January 1, 2024, we encourage you to consider The Bible Recap as your reading plan for the year. Devoting between 20 to 30 minutes a day, this plan takes you chronologically through the Bible in one year. A key feature of this plan is the daily short video from a host providing context and guiding you toward what God reveals about Himself through the scriptures. The emphasis of this plan is not merely completing a checklist or acquiring information but rather fostering a relationship with the nature and person of God. The plan also includes optional videos from the Bible Project for those who wish to delve deeper.

    For more information, visit The Bible Recap.

    Meet the host, Tara Leigh Cobble, here.

    On Sunday, we will distribute the reading plan, but recognizing the tendency to misplace paper, the plan is also available on the YouVersion Bible App. It's easy to follow along digitally, ensuring you won't lose track of your reading.

    Special Note: This plan distinguishes itself with its narrative approach and excellent structure, particularly helpful for navigating through the Old Testament, the bulk of your reading. It serves as a valuable tool to help you stay committed and enjoy reading through the entire Bible.

    Keep up-to-date with our church's activities by visiting our WEBSITE.. Find the newest information on events and stay engaged with our community. Your contributions drive our mission forward, so don't miss the latest on GIVING. Together, we're on a path of faith growth and making a difference in lives.

    Wishing you a blessed week, where you not only encounter the light of Jesus, but willingly follow it, letting His very words guide you to real life.

     P.S.  God has created us for a relationship with Him, and what better way to get to know Him than through His very words. This week, consider how you are allowing His word, His light, to guide your steps. I invite you to commit to a Bible reading plan this year, not because you 'should,' but because you genuinely want to know God more—understand who He is and, in light of His revelation, discover who you are.

    Take this step today and visit the links above. I will be following this plan, and I hope you will join me.
