Weekly Update October 12

Embrace God's Kingdom and Shine Bright!

Hello ,It's another Thursday, and you know what that means - your weekly church update is here! We're back with another exciting week of connection and community at your favourite place of worship. There's so much happening in the days ahead, and we can't wait to share it all with you. So, let's dive right in!Don't miss out on these fantastic opportunities for connection and growth throughout the week! Monday: Join us for the H2O: A Journey of Faith Connect Group at 6:30 pm. At 7:00 pm, the  Connect through Knitting & Crocheting Group will gather in the prayer room. Wrap up your Monday by joining in prayer with Alabaster House at 7:30 pm. Tuesday: Don't miss Celebrate Recovery at 7:00 pm Thursday: Our day kicks off with Prayer & Worship at 9:00 am, followed by Art in Church Connect Group at 10 am, Elev8 Youth meets at 7:00 pm, and The Gathering Place Connect group also gathers at 7:00 pm on Mackenzie Dr. Friday: Join the Thrive Young Adults group in the youth room at 7:00 pm. Also, the Friday Night Games group meets at 7:00 pm at Darren & Nalan's for a fun evening. Saturday: Start your day right with the SCC Men's Breakfast at 8:00 am.IHTC is putting on a Boundaries Workshop based on the book "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. The workshops are on Mondays, October 16, 23, 30, November 6, and Wednesday, November 15 and run from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm at the Victoria Schoolhouse, 730 Victoria Road, Victoria-by-the-Sea, PEI. Go to their website to register. As the Christmas season draws near, we invite you to be part of something truly special. Operation Christmas Child is back, and it's your chance to brighten a child's Christmas. Simply fill a shoebox with small toys, school supplies, and hygiene items, and drop it off by November 12. Your love and generosity are deeply appreciated for being part of this wonderful tradition. If you're curious about this incredible initiative, check out this video explaining Operation Christmas Child.Elev8 Youth Mission Trip - August 2024: Parents, if your teen is interested in this trip, we have an important meeting for you this Sunday, October 15th at 12:30 pm in the multi-purpose room. Each week,  tune in to Tracy's 'Listening & Responding' on Facebook Live. This week, we were reminded to seek wisdom in the Scriptures. Tracy emphasized 2 Timothy 2:15 AMP, urging us to study and present ourselves approved before God. Have you ever felt overwhelmed by others' knowledge? Remember, Jesus encourages us to be teachable. Embrace this week with a renewed passion for God's Word. Even a single verse can be a guiding light in our daily lives. Let's let our love for His Word grow, finding joy in diving into the Scriptures.Missed last Sunday's Message? This week's message concluded our series, "The Kingdom of God is like...." We've walked together through parables and profound teachings, unravelling the mysteries of God's Kingdom. As we wrap up this series, remember that God's Kingdom isn't just a concept; it's here and now, within our grasp. It's a living, breathing reality we encounter as we turn our lives toward Christ, fully surrendering to His will. These parables, rooted in Matthew 13, have shown us the beauty of God's work, which can seem utterly unconventional to the world. As we move forward, let's continue to anchor ourselves in His Word, for therein lies wisdom, truth, and unchanging guidance today and every day!Join us this Sunday, and may your roots grow deep into Him, finding completeness in Christ as you overflow with thankfulness. If you can't make it in person, catch us on YouTube.Don't forget our Pre-service Prayer from 9:15 am to 9:50 am, where we come together to seek the Lord's presence.Stay updated with giving, events, and more on our website.  Your active participation and support make SCC vibrant.Thank you for being a part of our faith community. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday. Blessings on your week,  P.S. God's kingdom may look unconventional, but it's greater than it seems. Embracing God's Kingdom means letting go of human control, and willingly following the way of Jesus.  Our submission and surrender cultivates fertile ground for growth. Everyday the question is before us, will we follow Him to the cross? Will we die to ourselves and find new life in Him?  The cross is not judgment; it's a mercy; a reminder of His love and grace renewed each morning. The cross sustains us daily as we lay our will down for His. Today, will you walk under the cross away from your self-focused life, choosing Jesus who remains when all else is stripped away?
